Monday, December 26, 2011

Home Meditation Space by Thich Nhat Hanh Part 1

The key to creating a home meditation practice is to create a space where the busyness stops.

We tend to be busy all day, and when we come home we continue to be busy. We cook; we clean; and we putter around. Or, we are so tired of being busy that we want to do something mindless and easy, like watching a television show, or taking a nap. Then, we go back to being busy again.

There is a way to feel refreshed and alert without being busy.  All we need is a gentle reminder - a location, an image, or a sound - to help us return home to ourselves and pay attention to what is there inside us and around us.  We can touch the present moment in all its fullness and joy if we simply have a place, and a way, to stop. Stopping the random progression of thoughts is the first step in meditation practice.

The key to creating a home meditation practice is to create a space where the busyness stops. When we stop and bring our mind back to our body, we can pay full attention to all that is happening in the present moment. We call this "mindfulness."  To be mindful means to be here, fully present, and fully alive, unencumbered by thoughs of the past, or the future, our worries, or our projects.  It is only when we stop that we can encounter life. When we stop, body and mind can reunite and then we can experience their oneness.

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