Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Walk with the Feet of the Buddha


It is possible to walk with the feet of the Buddha.  Our feet, empowered by the energy of mindfulness, become the feet of Buddha.  You can't say, "I can't walk with the feet of the Buddha, I don't have them."  It's not true. Your feet are the Buddha's feet, and if you really want to use them, it's up to you.  If you bring the energy of mindfulness into your feet, your feet become the Buddha's feet and you walk for him.  And that does not need some kind of blind faith. This is so clear.  If you are inhabited by the energy of mindfulness, you are acting like a Buddha, you are speaking like a Buddha, you are thinking like a Buddha.  That is Buddhahood in you.  That is something you can experience; it's not  a theory  --Thich Nhat Hanh--

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